Very close to the fishing village of Chaihuin, the Valdivian Coastal Reserve has enabled visitors a very comfortable and universally accessible self-guided interpretive trail. t runs along wooden walkways and has viewpoints and learning and rest stations, even with signs in Braille. It is approximately one kilometer long in which one can perceive the nature of the coastal ecosystem as it was before it was intervened by men. Section one, about 450 meters long, is suitable for wheelchairs, people with reduced visibility and the blind.
It is a good complement to the Millennial larches trail, also within the Valdivian Coastal Reserve, because here you will find vegetation more typical of the coastline, although equally exuberant and with a good representation of the biodiversity of the Valdivian forest ecoregion.
You will go through vegetable tunnels, a small stream in which amphibians can hopefully be seen or heard, areas with large ferns, trees and typical plants of the coastal olivillo forest such as tepa, melí, hazelnut, Copihue (national flower of Chile) or the murta, this last plant highly appreciated for its fruits with which jams and liqueurs are made … TAll this, always accompanied by the exotic song of birds such as the chucao, the rayadito or the hued hued and by the murmur and coolness of the water making its way through the dense vegetation and the waves breaking on the beach as a backdrop.
During the tour you will learn interesting details about the ways of life and customs of the local people and the Mapuche culture. Everything from a universal approach in which it is sought to increase the environmental awareness of the visitor and arouse their interest in the native flora and fauna, about which information is provided in the learning and rest stations.
At the end of the trail of section I, Big surprise! The two huge rocks with sharp points that emerge from the ocean simulating two fangs, the fangs of Chaihuin. Once you have covered section II, you can also stroll along the long beach of golden sand and contemplate the huge dunes and the little town in the background, with its small houses suspended along the mouth of the Chaihuin river, on the opposite bank.

Access to the trail is controlled by a local family and you have to pay a small fee to enter it.
If you are interested, you can check the private tour we offer that also includes this experience: The Valdivian coastal reserve premium tour. Full day. Includes: Milennial larches trail + Chaihuin fangs trail+ Sea lions place of Kaman Mapu + Waterfall, dune and beach of Pelche y araucanian lunch by the sea.