Links to information related to the biotic tuning topic. Scientific conferences. Documentaries and films about nature seen from a new perspective. Videos about the fauna and flora of the Valdivian jungle and Patagonia.
- Conferences, presentations and interviews with scientists
- Nature documentaries
- Nature short documentaries
- Nature documentaries in Chile
- Naturalists´ personal experiences
- Video bloggers / Youtubers
- Movies
- Plants of power, magic plants
1. Conferences, presentations and interviews with scientists
Dr Monica Gagliano
Research Associate Professor in Evolutionary Ecology, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia, Research Affiliate at the Sydney Environment Institute, University of Sydney & Senior Research Fellow at the Biological Intelligence (BI) Lab, University of Sydney.
Interview: “Thus Spoke The Plant – Dr Monica Gagliano – The Shaman and The Scientist 2019”
interview: “Consciousness Live! Ep 13 -Discussion with Monica Gagliano”
Conference: “Monica Gagliano – Plant Intelligence and the Importance of Imagination In Science | Bioneers”
Dialogue: “Monica GPlant Intelligence – ICE Public Dialogue with Richard Powers, Monica Gagliano and Marcelo Gleiseragliano – Plant Intelligence and the Importance of Imagination In Science | Bioneers”
Dra. Suzanne Simard
Dr. Suzanne Simard, Professor of Forest Ecology, University of British Columbia
Conference: Suzanne Simard, PhD Presenting at Nobel Conference 54
Conference: The Science, Art and Meaning of Forest Wisdom – Suzanne Simard, Ph.D.
Conference: How trees talk to each other | Suzanne Simard
Florianne Koechlin
Biologist. Vice President of the European Network for Ecological Reflection and Action
Conference: Tomatoes talk, birch trees learn – do plants have dignity? | Florianne Koechlin | TEDxZurich
Stefano Mancuso
Botanic. Director at the International laboratory of plant neurobiology – University of Florence
Congress: V.O. In inglish and Spanish: La Consciencia de las Plantas. Congreso Futuro a la Región Subantártica chilena
Conference: Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence
Only OV In Spanish. Conference: The future is vegetable
Peter Wohlleben
Forester and writer on ecological themes
interview: Talking to Trees
interview: Peter Wohllebenon the Hidden Life of Trees /67
Only OV In Spanish. Comments about the book: The Hidden Life of Trees
DMT – Stephen Buhner
Bachelor of Arts, Transcultural Epistemology. Writer.
Interview: Earth Doesnt Make Mistakes, Plant Intelligence, Consciousness, DMT – Stephen Buhner
interview: STEPHEN HARROD BUHNER: How to Shift Your Consciousness & Breakthrough Paradigms! | Imaginal Realm
Prof. Ariel Novoplansky
Biologist. Professor at Ben-Gurion University in Israel
Conference: Learning Plant Learning: Prof. Ariel Novoplansky at TEDxJaffa
Carlos Magdalena
Tropical Botanical horticulturist at RBG Kew
Conference: Carlos Magdalena, Botanical Journeys
Only OV In Spanish. Interview. “El resucitador de las plantas olvidadas | Visionarios | El País Semanal”
2. Nature documentaries
The Secret Life of Trees /Amazing Nature Documentary/ High-Quality /Unusual animals, birds, plants
Who’s the Boss: The Intelligence of Plants and Trees
In the Mind of Plants, Biology and Communication
3. Nature short documentaries
59 Degrees
A young company, passionate about natural, regenerative solutions. Makers of soil and lovers of all things green. Inspiring movement towards best soil and plant care practices
Link to the channel:
Deep look
DEEP LOOK – see the unseen at the very edge of our visible world. Twice a month, get a new perspective on our place in the universe and meet extraordinary new friends. Explore big scientific mysteries by going incredibly small. DEEP LOOK is a ultra-HD (4K) short video series created by KQED San Francisco and presented by PBS Digital Studios.
This Vibrating Bumblebee Unlocks a Flower’s Hidden Treasure | Deep Look
Canal Deep Look:
Only Spanish subtitles: Plants feel and think. They have 15 more senses than us.
Only OV In Spanish: Quenching curiosity
Trees talk to each other !!! – Scientists prove it
4. Nature documentaries in Chile
Only OV In Spanish: La Tierra antes del Tiempo | Chile Salvaje y Extremo | Nat Geo Wild
Only OV In Spanish: Chile: Laboratorio natural. La Selva Valdiviana y el extremo norte de Chile | Buenos días a todosWild
On route 7 into the heart of Patagonia | DW Documentary
The Trackers, Chilean flora and fauna short films.
Link to the channel:
5. Naturalists´ personal experiences
Ignacio Abella, naturalist and writer
Only OV In Spanish Interview: Ignacio Abella: «The tree is the axis around which all humanity revolves»
Juan Valero
interview. Only OV In Spanish: Connection with the trees with Juan Valero
Esperanza Proaño
Wood carving artist
interview. Only OV In Spanish: The woman who listens to the trees | Naturnia
6. Video bloggers / youtubers
Mei la Pseudointelectual
Only OV In Spanish: The language of the trees
Zoe Eccles
How to talk with trees
7. Movies
Treeline (Full Film) | The Secret Life of Trees
Patagonia Films presents Treeline: A Story Written in Rings, available in full for the first time. Follow a group of skiers, snowboarders, scientists and healers to the birch forests of Japan, the red cedars of British Columbia and the bristlecones of Nevada, as they explore an ancient story written in rings. Watch the film, exclusively here starting January 27th.
8 Plants of power, Magic plants
Juan González Simonneau
Ethnobotanical, psychologist and pedagogue
Only OV In Spanish. Conference: “Plant alchemy: the master plants and the evolution of consciousness”, with Juan Plantas “
Only OV In Spanish. Radio program: Master Plants and the Evolution of consciousness
Only OV In Spanish: Medicinal plants channel
Amanita Dreamer
How To Dry Amanita Muscaria
How To Prepare Amanita Muscaria Fly Agaric