A journey of about 3 kilometers along a very beautiful interpretive trail through the exuberant Valdivian temperate rainforest. It provides a very enriching knowledge due to the valuable information offered by the guides during the experience.
A truly magical place! The winding path runs between large ferns, fungi of whimsical shapes, fruitful lichens and an evergreen moss that covers everything. A great variety of climbing plants of different types of leaves and colorful fruits hanging from the trunks and branches of the trees, crystal clear streams crossed here and there by wooden bridges, an endless number of species of birds with a joyful and exotic trill and different landscapes: ancient laurel forest, areas of enewals (young trees), millenary conifers …
The guides, all locals, will show you the magnificently well represented flora of the ecoregion present in this place: olivillos, lumas, arrayán, romerillos, coigües, mañíos … And the impressive thousand-year-old larch trees, one especially very impressive for its size, 45 meters high, and for its longevity, since it exceeds 2,500 years of age.

They will also tell you about man’s relationship with nature, about the different uses of plants in the field of medicine, food, tools, construction and life in general.
This area has been inhabited by man for thousands of years, as evidenced by archaeological finds of ceramics and other traces of human presence found in dunes, beaches and caves.

As for the biodiversity of the Valdivian Forest Ecoregion, you will be surprised how especially close the relationship between flora and fauna is. Most of the trees and plants are pollinated and dispersed by the animals that inhabit it. For that reason, more than 60% of trees produce fleshy fruits.
Finally, it should be mentioned that the path is very well laid out as it crosses different areas:: Ancient temperate rain forest, forest that was once cut down and has grown back, renewals that rose from their ashes on burned ground, ancient larch trees, streams, waterfalls …
That is, in just over three kilometers of interpretive trail and with the help of the guides, one gets an overview of both the rich biodiversity of the Ecoregion, as well as the results of the different types of human intervention and the dangers and threats looming over the Valdivian Jungle.

Quilas, small bamboos (Chusquea quila) and Copihue (Lapageria rosea) blooming and bearing an edible fruit known as meloncito. Both species grow often together and are very present in the understory of the Valdivian forest. Copihiue is the national flower of Chile. Fortunately, once the tour is over, we can breathe easy since for now, in this area and thanks to the Nature Conservancy Foundation, the story has a happy ending.
If you are interested, you can check the private tour we offer that also includes this experience: The Valdivian coastal reserve premium tour. Full day. Includes: Milennial larches trail + Chaihuin fang trail+ Sea lions place of Kaman Mapu + Waterfall, dune and beach of Pelche y araucanian lunch by the sea.