And the sapiens finally became symbiotes …
And thus the new race of symbiotes repopulated the earth. And the entire planet became an association of plant and animal individuals of different species. And one and all took advantage of living together and they recreated themselves on other worlds as if all of them were a single organism.

Science has proven that plants are conscious beings that communicate with each other, help each other by sending food, water, defensive warning signals …YAnd they have senses very similar to ours such as smell, touch, hearing, taste and others that our species lacks. They have even been scientifically proven to have memory.
The forests, particularly ancient primary forests, are full of what are known as “air vitamins“, which strengthen our immune system, activate blood circulation, and are anticancer and anti-inflammatory. The microorganisms of forest´s soils are beneficial to our health. Hugging a tree connects us with the earth’s electromagnetic field that passes on free electrons to our body, the antioxidants that best restore our damaged tissues and cells. And as if that were not enough, we can have a very rewarding conscious, intelligent and spiritual relationship with them.
But one of the most interesting things, at least for some of us, is that trees can help us enter another temporal dimension of reality that allows us to tune into the plant kingdom and the planet itself and have access to a universal knowledge.
For years now, I have had a fairly intimate relationship with trees. Wherever I am, in the city, in the countryside or in the forest, it is important for me to find a tree to be friends with him / she. It is such a natural, healthy and rewarding relationship that, for me, to have tree friends and share my life with them on a daily basis is the most normal thing in the world.
Fortunately, there are more of us everyday! Forest bathing, forest immersion, sylvotherapy … But, in any case, it is a relationship that has always been very present in all of human history, from druids to nemophilists, forest explorers who love its beauty, shelter and protection.
Let´s start with what we know that plants in general do for us and what we know about of those conscious and intelligent beings who feel, see, hear, smell and communicate in their own way, today, year 2020.
As one good turn deserves another, the first thing is to recognize that plants make our existence as a form of life possible by giving us oxygen, food, raw material and water.
The matter of oxygen, food and wood, although very few people think of thanking the plants for it, is common knowledge. We all know that through photosynthesis, plants capture photons from the sun, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and soil water, and they transform it in the oxygen we breathe and the glucose with which they manufacture the raw materials we use. On the one hand, to feed us and feed other animals that also feed us and, on the other, to provide us with the wood and fibers that we have used most of our existence as humans to warm us, cook, build our houses, manufacture our tools, etc etc etc
What I did not know until a few years ago and it seems that it is not so clear to many people, taking on account what we can observe, is that forests also provide us with water and generate air currents regulating the climate globally. It is what is known as a biotic bomb.
What science is now trying to demonstrate is something that has always been known: Where there are native forests, and more specifically, primary forests, it rains, there are rivers, lakes, animals and life manifests itself in all its splendor. Where the native forest is cut down, water and life disappear. Tom Goreau explains it very well in “The Story of Tijuca: Reforestation and the Biotic Bomb” and shows several examples.
And yet, in many places we continue to cut down old growth forests en masse without any criteria that take this into account.
But it is that also, the trees, launch into the atmosphere particles that propitiate the generation of raindrops from the clouds´water vapor. And, in places where rain is scarce in dry seasons, they are also capable of trapping sea mist, turning it into water, and bringing it to the ground. This is the case of this tree, shown in the photo, the olivillo tree, a relevant figure in the biodiversity of the temperate forests of the Valdivian coast.

Plants provide us with spiritual, emotional and physical well-being, not only through the consumption of their delicious fruits and the pleasure of being able to perceive their exquisite fragrances, they are also the medicines that restore our health or the drugs that amuse us and allow us to enter other states of consciousness.
Furthermore, trees generate their own electricity and are great conductors. The later is essential in a world in which we are isolated from the earth by synthetic materials from the soles of our footwear, even in the countryside, and also contaminated by all kinds of artificial electromagnetic radiation that charges our body with positive voltage, interrupting endless electrical communications that are a vital part of the body’s functioning. This produces all kinds of physical, mental and emotional disorders. So we need grounding, to touch the earth with bare feet, and come into contact with the planet’s electromagnetic field, full of negative free electrons that allow us to energetically rebalance and harmonize our system. Like any circuit, ours also needs an earth connection to avoid electrical overloading. What better than to hug a tree if it is not posible to walk barefoot?
Companies dedicated exclusively to silvitherapy or forest bathing are emerging based on the fact that the forest air is loaded with oxygen molecules with a significant charge of negative ions, which is known as air vitamins. And also thank to the phytoncides, antimicrobial allelochemic volatile organic compounds that plants release into the atmosphere, soil and water. All of it help us stimulate and harmonize our body and our mind by strengthening the immune system and activating our blood circulation.
Despite all this, if someone told you, you are a vegetable! You would consider it an insult. It would mean more or less that you have a flat encephalogram, you don’t move, you don’t think, you don’t communicate … But what else do we know about plants from the point of view of science?
Let’s start with the interesting communication that takes place in the forests and, specifically, with the plants that get our attention the most due to their visible size, the trees.
All the trees in a native forest are connected to each other through their roots and communicate by sending and receiving nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous … And water. Also chemical alleles, hormones, defensive signals and information of all kinds. And they do it through mycorrhiza, the kilometric roots of the fungi that interweave forming a network that encompasses the entire forest. Trees give an important part of the sugar that they make with photosynthesis to fungi and these in turn give nutrients to trees. In this way, everyone collaborates and benefits each other. They are all symbiotes in a symbiotic relationship.

The longest and largest trees, core trees or mother trees, are connected to hundreds of trees of the same species and others and feed and pass their knowledge to other trees that need it, such as those that due to their size or age do not have experience or access to the sun or water.
We also know that plants communicate through the air sending and receiving volatile chemicals. They are able to warn each other when they detect the presence of a predator, be it an antelope, a giraffe or an insect. Thus, they can prepare in advance with a chemical defense strategy against the aggressor or even call other insects with which they collaborate to defend them from the attacker.
They also have “vital” collaborators or symbiotes. Right here, in the Valdivian rainforest, there are numerous examples such as the olivillo tree, whose fruits have to be digested by the Magellanic thrush in order to germinate. Or the “Quitral de maqui”, a plant that grows on the branches of other trees and whose fruits have to be consumed by a marsupial known as the “litle monkey of the mountains” and defecated on the branches of the host trees.
All this is possible because plants developed, long before our species appeared, their own systems for making decisions, knowing where they are, listening, smelling, memorizing … But without having a brain, eyes, ears or nose … Below, I describe some interesting experiments that prove it. As always, you can go to the information of interest page to see the experiments and listen to experts in the field such as Dr. Monica Gagliano, Dr. Suzanne Simard, Botanist Stefano Mancuso and many others.
Plants are conscious of themselves. They are able to create a model of their position in space, their position in relation to other organisms or objects and in relation to time. A simple climber like the bean, knows perfectly where it is and where it has to grow to reach the support on which to climb. Located in a room where there is a bar at a certain distance and nothing else, it will always move in the direction in which the bar is located until reaching it.
Plants also have memory. They are able to remember events to respond in a certain way when that event happens again depending on how their previous experience has been. The branches of the mimosa, for example, close their leaves when detecting a certain stimulus from the outside to protect themselves from danger, but when they learn that such stimulus is harmless, on the next occasions they will no longer waste energy closing their leaves. One of the experiments involves putting the plants on a mini lift platform and performing several “free falls.” In the first four falls, the plants close their leaves, but as soon as they learn that nothing is wrong, they stop closing them. After up to 28 days without falls, when they are dropped again, they remember that nothing happens and keep falling with their leaves open.
Plants are also capable of hearing. Some. like the Persian violet, have just a single pollinator, the bumblebee, in such a way that it keeps the nectar locked in a capsule and only opens it when it hears the particular buzzing of the bumblebee on the flower. Other experiments with primroses have found that they secrete sweeter nectar when they hear the buzzing of bees approaching in order to be more palatable and more likely to be pollinated. They also produce a certain vibration that represents a specific sound frequency. And this happens both with real bees and with the reproduction of their recorded sound because they “hear it”. It has also been shown that they can hear the water and the roots grow towards the place where the sound of water comes from, although it comes from a recorded sound.
They also have sense of smell. The cuscuta, a parasitic plant that likes tomatoes very much, searches for its prey because of the smell it gives off. Located in a space where there is only one object and a tomato plant, it will always grow towards the tomato plant, wherever it is located. If you place the cuscuta at the same distance between a tomato plant and another wild herb, which is less to its liking but could also be eateable for it, it always decide to also go towards the tomato, which is much easier to parasitize
In other words, plants are aware of themselves and intentionally make intelligent decisions by executing actions and movements to achieve their goals based on the information from the enviroment that their senses perceive.
But how can we connect with plants if they don’t speak? Well, to give an example of communication without words, when one is in his teens and falls madly in love for the first time … Is it necessary to speak when the eyes meet and stay together for a long time? Gazes meet each other, we experience that charming sensation of oeness, we feel complete and satisfied and one enters another frequency, another vibration that makes us see reality in a different way, as we have never seen it before.
Something similar happens when in connection with the trees one accesses the frequency in which the plants vibrate and get into biotic tuning. And no, it is not that they speak, no matter how many people who have not had the luck to access that frequency often ask jokingly … What! Did the trees told you something interesting? What have you two talked about?
It is part of the anthropoid paranoia of our species. We have reached such a state of disconnection with the rest of living beings that when you have a friendship with a tree, which is generally considered impossible, what you are supposed to be doing is actually endowing the tree with human qualities. In other words, like when you use the literary device of prosopopeia to make the big bad wolf talk to the Little Red Riding Hood or when a monstrous tree on the other side of the window speak to the children in scary children’s movies. In other words, we are anthropomizing the tree because… How are you going to communicate with a tree? How weird!
And if despite the fact that we have rationally convinced ourselves that plants in general or trees in particular are conscious and intelligent beings, we approach a tree and one feels absolutely nothing, what do we do? Unbelievably, there are billions of people who do not feel anything when they approach a tree. When they see or touch a tree, they do not see a conscious living being, nor do they perceive its presence as such a conscious living being, they only see its usefulness or the damage they may cause: A good ornament for the garden, so many cubic meters of firewood, so many stakes, so many kilos of fruit, so many wooden tables, boats … They also see trees as an obstacle to the view or to the construction of any infrastructure or building, allergy problems, leaves that litter the street, dangerous branches for our power lines … In any case, they see inert “things” like a lamppost that instead of giving light, give oxygen and wood and that can be removed, put and used without further ado, because they do not have the slightest dignity as living beings. They do not exist in “our dimension”. They only exist in terms of their harm or usefulness to us.

And how can we turn it around so more people begin to enjoy an authentic relationship with the kingdom of plants?
It occurs to me that, on the one hand, those who do not have much consideration for trees but who sympathize with these beings to some extent and seek to have new experiences, may notice how many of us have a very special relationship with them. On Facebook alone, I am subscribed to more than a dozen groups that revolve exclusively around our relationship with trees. A relationship between sapiens and trees that has been present throughout human history and in all parts of the world. That, as a possible argument to arouse curiosity. If so many people have that kind of relationship and they say it’s so satisfying …
Then there are many people who have their own ways of relating to trees or plants and have invented or created different communication protocols. every master has his own trick. All fantastic as long as they do not consider themselves custodians of “the truth” and speak only with the “chosen”.
ut, in my opinion, the fundamental tool and the best key to access that other dimension is The Imagination! And many will say: what an imagination you have! You “believe” that you can communicate with plants! How funny!
Yes, indeed, and it is not a concept that has occurred to me, there are revealing books written about it such as Stephen Buhner’s, “plants intelligence and the the imaginal realm“. In the same way that we have imagined the computer or mobile phone from which you are reading this, the networks through which the data travels or anything else that you are surrounded by if you are in a sapiens environment, you can also imagine other types of realities and check how real they turn out to be. Because each and every one of the things of the artificial reality of our sapiens world, has been represented and conceived in someone’s mind before that someone alone or as a team made them come real. Our whole world is the product of our imagination. Just like that.
And it is a reality as real that we can verify it. When we use the time lapse effect on a video and show in a few minutes what happens in a day or a week, we can see how plants move and interact with each other as if they were in our electromagnetic frequency and in our time dimension.
Our brain is a processor that consumes a huge amount of energy to control balance, movement, coordination and all the mental activity necessary to co-create the world we live in and that we have imagined and materialized. But this powerfull tool also allow us to enter other temporal dimensions and other vibrational frequencies. Don´t you believe it? Try to imagine it! It will not be less real than all those artificial and virtual things that we continously imagine and then make real.
If you are not yet able to experience the sensations and emotions that arise from the relationship with trees or plants in general, you will see how shortly after imagining it you do manage to “notice” its energy. When you least expect it, you will be immersed in a totally rewarding relationship in many aspects, including that of access to knowledge.
What knowledge? The one that one acquires through plants, either by observation and logical deduction or by infused science.
The first thing you realize when you are in a forest tuned into the biota is that, we are all symbiotes! And if we collaborate, we can build a great future together. And that it is of a very silly being to bite the hand that feeds us.
We are all different life forms of the same living being. To believe that we are separated is absurd. Let me give an example, even if it is in the obvious, just in case it is not clear enough. It is as if the keratinocytes, which represent 80% of the cells that make up the epidermal tissue, being aware of themselves, considered themselves “separate” and “independent”. Independent, for example, from the pancreatic islets, clumps of cells that are responsible for producing hormones such as insulin. That would be ridiculous. Because those keratinocytes must use the insulin to synthesize carbohydrates to make the protein with which they weave our skin. Both types of cells are part of the same organism, yours.
The olivillo trees, the Patagonian thrush, the mycorrhiza, ourselves … Everything that forms the biota is interdependent. I’m not writing anything new that we don’t know? Inded, and although it is clear, I think it is important to repeat it because what plants, trees and the forest in general tell me is that we must collaborate for the pure pleasure of feeling being an integral part of the entity we belong to and access its knowledge which is ours, because we are part of the same organism.
That is one of the reasons why we have a big brain that allows us to process information at different vibratory frequencies and access different time dimensions. It makes it easier for us to have a greater awareness of the Great Living Being to which we belong to get closer to its perspective of reality, its goals, its vision and its mission, which are, logically, what we should be most interested in tuning into. If we think a little, it seems coherent to realize that we are just an organ with a specific function within a great organism.
It seems that we have distanced ourselves from that common mission. Perhaps it is that we are a tool at the service of the Great Living Being´s creativity, who goes crazy about creating realities. Or that through our satellites and space rockets, which are his as well, life can colonize other spaces. Or who knows! But when I’m in the forest vibrating at such a harmonic frequency, “something” tells me that it would be very interesting and useful if we could preserve old growth / primary forest from the artificial and virtual reality of the sapiens that we could always refer to to analyze models of success. And in which it is easier for us to connect with the minimun interferences posible.
And precisely, that is the fundamental mission of biotic tuning as a company, to contribute our grain of sand to preserve anclent primary forest within areas such as the Valdivian temperate rainforest and facilitate the conditions so that people who are aware of all this can connect, tune in and align with the planet´s great intelligence network. It is there and is real. There is no doubt that it depends on it that we enjoy a more pleasant and satisfying life and who knows if perhaps even the survival of our species depends on it as well. A very modest species of living beings that calls itself: homo sapiens sapiens. The wise, wise. The ones who think.